Learn How To Construct A Dairy Zero-Grazing Unit

Conatruction Of A Dairy Zero-Grazing Unit

Many ocassions I have been asked on the plan of constructing a dairy zero-grazing unit,which also applies to  beef cattle.

In the following post I would like to welcome those who has interest ,and those already in Dairy farming business, to take a look further before they start on the this project.

Constructing a dairy zero grazing unit consists of the following structures,that must be incorperated to make it complete and to the standard


The Feeding Trough(s) should be measuring; 3 Metres long, 40Cm deep and 30 Cm wide.

* It should be noted that while building water troughs the builder must use the ratio of cement to sand, and water proof cement at appropriate ratio of 1:2:3 i.e 1 bag of cement of 50kgs to 2 wheel barrows of sand ,to 3 Kgs of water proof cememts( water proof cement should be made in england


Water troughs makes the animals take water at recommended intervals as the feeds, particularly dairy meals makes them thirsty regularly.

* Again it should be noted that feeding troughs must be built next to the water troughs,not neccessarily with water proof cement but with the with total number of heards you want to raise.


Essentially, Dairy cows and any other livestocks requires regular intakes of mineral salts meant for their developements.Therefore incorporating 2 small sizes slanting troughs,built at both sides of Water and feed troughs is a must for your zero grazing unit.Otherwise without this components will make your animals practices what we called geophargy.That is the habits of eating earth or soil or clods of soil.
-These two troughs for each should in this dimention;


Its vital to incorporate a store in your dairy unit as this is where all feeds;hay,any other types of forage,nappier grass,dairy meal,salt,milking tools,other equipments, etc.

*Take note that while in the store,a secure room should be added to provides a safer and secure place where drugs-meant for animals' treatment can be kept( other than acaricdes meant for spraying,drugs for animal treatments must only be handled by a qualified personnel or animal health practioner-Animals are prone to sickness.
Most oftenly,the best approach is to build another room far a way meant for that purpose.(this adds-on will normally depends on a specific farmer's point of view and experience in animal health issues.)


This is where you'll be milking your dairy cows every
-The measuring dimension for milking your cows should be spacious enough,this ought to be 3metres ×1.5 metres
*Note that at the front end,another feeding trough should be added as the feeds will entice the cow and you or the milk man would be abled to milk freely.


Never should you ommit to incorporate a calf pen.This is a very important structure and they should be 2,one should accommodates the calf up to 12 weeks and then be transfered to the adjacent one.

# NOTE: You can construct a one complete structure as a calf pen using this standard measurement;

5.5fts long by 3 fts Width by 5fts height, and then raising the floor by 2 fts.You can use timber of fts to make the floor.After completing the whole set-up, you can sub-devide it into two parts,leaving one compartment to be bigger than the other( spacious enough to accommodate a growing calf 12 wks.old and over.

#:7 The Water Tanks

A sizeable water tank should be inluded just next to the unit for water preservation purposes.The possibility of running out of water may occur,and this might be the only available resource.Since dairy cows takes a lot of water every now and then.You will also realise that as they take lots of feeds,Dairy meals and any other feeds of dry matter state,plenty of water to quench their thirst is needed.So a water tank whose capacity is of atleast 3,000 Litres should be installed.

Overally,the numbers and sizes of water tanks to be incorporated will depends on the size of Dairy Unit you're planning to construct.The Major aspect to consider is the number heards you want to rear.

8#: Drainage System

Simply put it; a drainage system is a trench that get rid of water,urine and
even mixed cow wastes through the channel to the man-hole.

  A drainage system must be built  next  to the edge of the cubicles and  long the floor,so that when animal feeds from the troughs the behinds are left for the waste.It should be built in a slanting gradient.It should be shallow and not deep.The wastewill be carried a way to the man-hole.

The following are the importance of the drainage channel;

*It gets rid of cow urines.
*It helps the cleaner or attendat to drain off water during cleaning times.
*Mixed cow dung,together with urine gets deposited to the man-hole.The manure created, apparently,is the best in the fields for application onto growing animal feeds.TAKE NOTE OF THAT !

#9. Cubicles Or Cow Shades

The Cubicles or cow shades as they are termed are simply trunches or rows and similar to milking parlours.(we sometimes uses any of them whenever milking parlour is down) Are essentially meant for the cows to sleeps/rests on.They are basicaly built in  numbers of 4 or  or even 6 depending on the size of the unit ,or heards to raized.So think again! of cement to sand and ballast i.e 1:2:2 that is 1 bag of ordinary cement to 2 wheelbarrows of sand and


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