Learn How To Make Medicated Feed Block For Animals

Medicated feed blocks are high energy feed and mineral supplement blocks containing Anthelmintic or dewormer.They are made from cheap,readily available and easily sourced materials.

Advantages to the farmer opting for Medicated Feed Blocks;

• 1#  Medicated feed blocks are a rich source of additional  nitrogen,minerals and energy to the animals.
•2#. They  also assist in deworming the animals that feed on them.
• 3#.Animals that feeds on these blocks grow faster,produce more milk,have increased wool growth and do not require routine  deworming.

Materials Required For Making Medicated  Feed Blocks.

The following  are the materials required for making  medicated feed blocks;

• Molaases
• Urea (ferterlizer grade)
• Mineral premix
• Maize germ (or other bulking agent)
• Cement
• Common table salt
• Anthelmintic (for medicated blocks)

The method is suitable for small scale production at home and where a mechanized mixture is not available.

Below is a convection picture of a recommended mechanized mixture

The procedure Of making 5 blocks each Weighing 5 kg is detailed below;

1. Put 2.5 litres of water in a ½ drum or any other suitable container.

2. Weigh out 2.5kg of urea and put in the the container and mix for 3 minutes using wooden plank,like laddle(mwiko).

3. Weigh 3kgs of cement and put in the ½drum,mix for 3 minutes.

4. Put 1.5kg common salt and continue to stir.

5. Put 1.25kg of mineral premix and stir properly for 5 minutes.

6. Add 250ml of dewormer (10% formulatiom of suitable benzimidazole-based dewormer,e.g.Zerofen,Albendazole,panacur,etc) and mix.

7. Measure 6.25 kg of molasses and put it in the container.Use 0.75 of warm water to rinse molasses container and add this to the mixer.

8. Measure 7.5 kg maize germ or any other bulking agent and put this in the mixtureMix these quickly for 15 to 20  minutes untill the thick paste is uniform.The resulting paste is ready  for molding into prefered shapes and sizes.

9. Apply oil on the inside surface of the molding bowls to prevent the mixture from sticking on to it after setting.Any edible salad oil can be used for this purpose.
10. Pour the paste into five moulds of 5 kg each.Leave the blocks in the sun for about two hrs.Then transfer the dry moulds indoors for 1-2 weeks until they are completely hardened.

How are medicated  blocks presented to animals?

The medicated blocks are pleasant to animals and should be suspended for animals to lick but not bite the blocks.Medicated blocks are effective against new infections,therefore it is advisable to drench the animals first with a few conventional drench before introducing the blocks.

Precautions When Using Medicated Blocks.

• Animals (especially sheep) consuming too much of the blocks at once may suffer from urea poisoning.
• It is advisable that medicated blocks are introduced gradually.
• They should be hard to prevent  animals from eating too much of the blocks.

Last but not least,learning on how to make Medicated feed blocks for our domesticated animals e.g.cattle,sheep,goats,donkeys,horses etc. is one of the best approach for small scale livestock farmer ,as it assist you economically and especially during these periods when there's a complete constraint of feeds for our animals.

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