Babesia (Babesiosis)


Babesia Bigemina, is a disease caused by blue ticks(boophilus decoloraratus),Babesiosis,Babesia begemina

Last saturday I observed and spotted an older cow in our ranch which was weak and didn't respond to my usual observation.In that regard I reported the matter speedily and I would like to outline everything regarding Babesia present in a dairy cow.

What is Babesia ?

Babesia is a cattle disease caused by protozoa- which is transmitted by blue ticks,Boophilus decoloratus.The disease is also known as "redwater"  because in advanced cases the urine is coloured red by haemoglobin released from ruptured red blood cells.It affects a wide range of domestic and wild animals e.g sheeps,goats,cattle,horses,pigs,dogs,buffalos etc.

CATTLE-(B bigemina)

Here is how it is...

•Babesia parasites are easy to recognise in stained blood smears.They're large piroplasms which may fill half of the cell and they often appear as paired parasites,hence the meaning "bigemina"

Symptoms Of Babesia(Babesiosis)
content="The symptoms of babesiosis can easily, be confused with anaplasmosis before the advanced is realized when the urine becomes coloured red.Anaplasmosis does not produce red urine,so below are a few signs that you should monitor;

There is fever of 106°F [40°c] which is frequent, and persist throughout-This is accompanied later by in appentence.

• Increase in respiratory rate is also observed.

• Total weight-loss occassioned by in appentance.">

• Constipation

• Diarrhea-Which is watery and mucousry.

• Late term pregnant cows may abort,as like in the case of HEARTWATER DISEASE

• Can create temporary infertility in bulls due to transient fever.

• Calves of below 6 months old have a higher degree of immunity ,which is somehow associated with colostral-derived antibodies.To this end,just like anaplasmosis,babesia is usually less server in young calves than in older cattle so the carrier state is less likely to a rise in the same way and the same warnings apply to changes in tick control policy.

• The cow is aneamic,which is a generalized way of observation.

• Urine is often,but invariably,red-to add on the above note.,

• Jaundice

• Other organs,including the brain and heart,may show conjestion.


Our own Observation:

•Macrophages often take up large numbers of Babesiosis-infected red cells and also uninfected ones.If you see macrophages containing red blood cells when you are examining a blood smear,you should suspect babesiosis and search carefully for Babesia parasites to confirm the diagnosis.

Thick and thin blood smear should be taken by the veterinary  technician for labaratory analysis from the following organs;
• Capillaries.
• Lesion.
• Tail tip.
• Ears.

N/B1.-As with mixed infections of  ECF and anaplasmosis,mixed infections of ECF and babesiosis should be treated promptly for both infections.You should first take a blood smear before you treat.Because Clexon and Butalex have no effectc on Babesia parasites.Babesia is still easy to recognise after treatment for ECF.

N/B.2  Babesia can be treated with Diminazene aceturate(Berenil) or Imidocarb(Imizol).
Prevention is better than cure- advice to the stock holder.

*In acute situations,the cow can be inoculated.


In summary you as a livestock farmer who is already in that industry,  you should search carefully and having observed the aforementioned clinical symptoms report the matter speadily to the health technician,who should be abled to handle treatment after diagnosis.

For most of the things regarding Babesia or Babesiosis you can read Here


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