Anaplasmosis Anaplasmosis is a rickettsial disease caused by Anaplasma marginale .It is probably second in importance to ECF. Ways Of Transmission It is transm itted by; - The blue tick,Boophilus decoloratus, - And possibly also by biting flies. - It can also be transmitted by hypodermic needles,surgical instruments etc,used on more than one animal without being sterilised,and - In blood transfusions. Anaplasma is a parasite of the red blood cells,appearing as small,dark staining dots,mostly near the margin of the cell. Symptoms Of Anaplasmosis Below are the principal symptoms of Anaplasmosis; -High temperature - Anaemia - Jaundice - Sometimes constipation - In the advanced stages mucous membranes are pale and may be icteric (yellow) due to jaundice,because the liver is un...